The Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA) was created in December 2004 by Presidential Decree No. 2004/320 to lay down the organisation of the Government, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 and recently supplemented by that of 27 May 2013 No. 2013/169. It shall be responsible for the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of Government policy with regard to the development of small and medium sized enterprises, social economy and handicrafts.

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Official launching of the « INDUSTRY MAKER ACADEMY – IMA2024” from the 03 to 04 april 2024 at the Yaoundé Hilton Hotel.

As part of initiatives undertaken for economic promoters to master productive and wealth-creating technologies, with a view to the structural transformation of the economy, The Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts, Mr Achille BASSILEKIN III? HEREBY INFORMS Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Start-ups, promoters of business incubations and acceleration centres, as well as payers in the Social Economy and Handicrafts sectors. The official release here

9th edition of the International Fisheries and Aquaculture Exhibition

SME promoters as well as professional groups and corporations of SMEs are herby informed that the 9th edition of the International Fisheries and Aquaculture Exhibition (SIPA) is being organised from February 1 to 11, 2024 in ORAN, Algeria under the theme: « together for sustainable food security ». The official release here

Warning: False profile on social networks of Minister Achille Bassilekin III.

The Communication Unit of the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts hereby inform the general public on the fact that cybercriminals are increasingly developing fake profiles attributed to Mr. Achille BASSILEKIN II, Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts. Thsese fakes aim at developing scamming practices on social media networks. Click here for the official release.


Since 2010, Cameroon has been endowed with a Law on the promotion of SMEs, thus materialising the desire to provide a framework for this vital sector of our economy.  The Law No. 2010/001 of 13th April 2010 on the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises has had the merit of laying the foundations for the development of SMEs in Cameroon. It defined VSE and SME based on two elements: the turnover and the number of people employed. In addition to the definition, the Law sets out the mechanisms for supporting SMEs, including support for their creation, the incubation strategy, their development, support for financing and their regrouping. (more…)

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