Strategy of SMESEH

MINPMEESA > News > Strategy of SMESEH

Madam the Secretary General of MINPMEESA on 18 December 2018 at 10 am presided over the Opening Ceremony of the Validation Workshop on the Updating of the SMESEH-oriented strategy within the ministerial scope of action (PMEESA) in the Conference Hall of the Emergence Building.

The general objective of the session was to assess the SMESEH sector strategy elaborated in 2010 in terms of Government policy implementation and prospects on how to guarantee greater productivity and competitiveness of this very transversal sector.

The workshop which lasted for two days between the 17 and 18 of December 2018, revolved around two major parts: exposés in plenary and subcommittee deliberations. The deliberations were held within a concerted atmosphere while also taking into account achievements in terms of major inputs in the implementation of the GESP and SMESEH-oriented strategies.

Apart from participants from MINPMEESA, others came from Government
Agencies whose actions have an impact on SMEs (MINEPAT, MINMIDT, INJS…)
private SMEs monitoring structures, SME professional organisations (GICAM, ECAM, SYNDUSTRICAM, ANEMCAM, APME, BC/PME) and finally umbrella handicraft organisations…