New Year wishes to MINPMEESA

MINPMEESA > News > New Year wishes to MINPMEESA

Moment of communion and sharing, it is in this atmosphere that the large family of the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA) has strengthened its professional ties around the Minister Achille BASSILEKEN III, newly promoted at the helm of this ministerial department.

It was on Friday, 01 February 2019 at the Yaounde Conference Centre, on the occasion of the ceremony of presentation of new year wishes to the Minister. The Secretary General of MINPMEESA Mrs. MBAJON Chantal, took stock of the activities carried out in 2018. A self-assessment that will allow this ministry to better plan for the future. From supervision to promotion, not to mention the improvement of the quality and productivity of SMEs, the social economy and handicrafts, the
creation of the Edéa National Pilot Enterprise Nursery, all these achievements were reviewed in detail. Satisfactory results that have made the new minister a fulfilled manager. All these achievements were not made without difficulties. As such, she listed the difficulties ranging from the lack of motivation bonus to reduced numbers through lack of financial means.

In his speech, the minister urged the staff to work harder and with selflessness, to be "exemplary civil servants so that young promoters and creators of wealth see in them facilitators of development of their creativeness " because, the emergence of Cameroon will be attained mainly with SMEs, social economy organizations and craftspeople who constitute the bedrock of the national economy.

In addition to its recommendations, MINPMEESA has promised to provide solutions to staff grievances, particularly in improving their working conditions.